Just over the half term last week, I went skiing! This was my second time and I am going with some of my friends to Grand Massif, Samoens in the Alps in France. We started our drive at 4am on Saturday 15th February, and arrived in France at around 9 o’clock. We drove to the South of Paris and stayed at a hotel for the night. It was an early start in the morning, since it would take around 4-5 hourz to get up the mountain. After 4 hours of Idle Supermarket Tycoon and LoZ BOTW, we finally arrived to Club Med, the Ski resort we were staying at.
It was our first lesson…didn’t go too well. See, last time I went skiing, it was my first. I was in Flocon, and self taught myself things they learnt in 2-star. Now I am a teenagerm, I was in Group 2B, slighly better than 2-star. They expected parellel turns and what-not, which I had to get used to. I also had an earache for no absolute reason.
The first lesson was mainly getting back into skiing and going down the closest slopes. I know, not fun, but it got better…much better. However before this we had to endure a test which we did in the afternoon to go up to the larger mountains and use chairlifts.
A new post will be added tomrrow after my skiing lessons!