I made a blog one week ago about spaghetti bridges and just bridges in general. Now we are going to go through the journey of making them. Unfortunately, there are some photos that cannot be uploaded, so you won’t see my failed designs.
My first design I got inspiration from some of the examples on the dyson cahllenge website. I didn’t use opne piece of spaghetti, which is fragile, I used SIX PIECES and taped them togetherjust for one beam of my bridge. This means the beams are thicker, making it hardewr to break. All was going well when I ran into my first problem. I ran out of celotape. It may not seem bad I didn’t think I had anything else, plus, celotape was probably my only bet of making thicker beams. I panicked and then realised ‘Wait. I have a hot glue gun!’ I scrapped this idea, and started on a new design.
A mistake I made for both Bridge 1 and 2, is that I didn’t actallu design the bridge. I just drew a rectangle and a few triangles, then it was ‘done’, I started building. One problem I did realise before was that the glue sticks were not with the gun, which means someone sabotaged me… no, I’m just kidding. Or am I? Anyway, I wasn’t sure how to make thicker beans, so I took a risk by only using one spaghetti. Which failed again and again. I didn’t know what to do as I hadn’t actually created a design, and on the other hand, I was stressing about how I couldn’t find the glue sticks. Eventually, I ran out of glue, and my parents weren’t home to help me find the glue, so I then ran into my second problem. No more glue AND no more celotape.
Eventually, after an hour of searching and thinking, I asked my Dad to buy me some glue, so then I coudl carry on.
Unfortunately, this is all I got done this weekend, and I’m focusing on revision for the next week, I will start my third design and share it soon!