As you may know, I have an art scholarship at my current school. For my next school, my teachers are encouraging me to apply for another art scholarship there, but there’s only one problem: I don’t want to. It’s no that I don’t like art, it’s just that it will affect what i want to do in the future as a career. I want to be an engineer and then move on to becoming an architect afterwards. This means I will have to master physics, maths, DTE and art in my A-levels and in university.
You may be wondering ‘so what am I worried about?’ Well, it’s that fact that in my next school, if I apply for an art scholarship and get it, I HAVE to do art GCSE and A-level. To all of you who have done that, you will know there is a lot of course-work. Now, unless I am up to working 24-7, which I am not, I have to choose between what I want to do. Art or DTE (I could have chosen to do both). My future career needs both, but more DTE than art. If I choose art, I have less of a chance of doing what i want to in the future. If I choose, I have more chance. Except Art would be easier as I have been building up portfolio throughout the years, and DTE, I haven’t really.
You could be saying ‘well, can’t you switch from Art GCSE to DTE A-level?’. Truthfully, we haven’t asked the school yet, but hopefully I can! This choice is one of that hardest that I’ve had, as it isn’t just a smal choice that could affect me in the next hour, but one that could affect my whole life: What my job is, how much i would earn, would I earn anything?
After many hours of thinking, I have decided that I am going for DTE. Firstly, it can get a bit more practical than art. Plus, I have to use both in art and DTE when engineering, so I thought it was the right decision for me.
Now, I have the Summer holidays to create a portfolio for those at my new school.
If you want to know my ideas, come back in a couple of days where I will share some of my ideas and designs!